Chapter 47 - The Enthusiasm That Can’t Be Rejected
Yang Yi has ashop, so after Yan Xiaopei came out, the place where the two children playedwith toys was transferred from the living room to the coffee shop.
In fact, itdoesn’t matter whether the coffee shop was open or not, anyway, no one’s coming.
However,Yang Yi vaguely felt that the woman was a little dangerous, of course, not inthat sense of danger. In any case, facing her at home, Yang Yi always felt thatsomething was wrong.
"Thename of your shop is very strange. Why is it called Street Corner’s Coffee Shop"?Yan Xiaopei didn’t have any intention to go back, although Yang Yi had askedher several times whether the flower shop would be in trouble if she was away.On the contrary, she was lazing about, holding her chin on the bar counter andwatching Yang Yi be busy.
When Xixi,who playing with the little brother, turned her head and happened to see hersitting in the position where she had drawn before, the little girl pouted and sulkilyplayed with the doll in her hand.
Actually, thereis a two-year gap between Yan Yingkai and Xixi, and boys of this age are moreself-conscious and think that playing with younger children is a bit of a loss.Therefore, he was still reluctant to take the initiative to talk to Xixi. Mostof the time, he was answering Xixi’s question without saying a word. (TN: Maybejust nodding or shaking his head.)
Now that Xixiwas silent, he was relieved and focused all his attention on the magnetic toyin front of him. He wanted to make a big car!
At the barcounter, Yang Yi was almost the same as Yan Yingkai, a little helpless. He wasnot interested in chatting with Yan Xiaopei. Because this woman gives him a badfeeling, maybe a little scheming?
But Yang Yican’t be too obvious. After all, he still wants Xixi to make friends. He, as afather, must first learn to be gentle with others. So, Yang Yi can only dealwith it with few sentences. (TN: can’t be too obvious that he’s not interestedwith her.)
"Becauseit’s on the corner!"
"Good,I thought you were a little lazy with the naming. Fortunately, you’re not lazywhen you gave your daughter a name."
Yang Yiresponded with a smile.
What can hesay? When Xixi was born, he didn’t even know anything about it. Mo Fei named ofXixi "Yang Xi", which was a few years ago! When Yang Yi reunites withthem, Xixi is already called Xixi!
Of course,the name Xixi is also pleasant to hear!
Wait, StreetCorner’s Coffee Shop sounds good, too, okay? Special literature and art, don’tyou think so?
Yang Yi canonly smile, he has no intention to argue.
"Wouldyou like a cup of coffee?" Yang Yi also said casually, just making smalltalk.
However, YanXiaopei immediately became lively: "Yes, please!"
"......"Yang Yi was a little speechless.
It’s notthat she can’t afford a cup of coffee. Yang Yi thinks she can drink whatevershe wants, but the question is, she still wanted to drink coffee. Is this womanreally not going back?
But wordsthat’s already been said is like spilt milk, it couldn’t be taken back. So,Yang Yi had to turn around and grind beans and make a cup of coffee for YanXiaopei.
"Wow,it smells good!" The hot water washed over the grounded coffee beans, andthe cup underneath reverberated with a tantalizing coffee fragrance. Yan Xiapei,like a young girl, clapped her hands and said happily.
Yang Yi didnot answer, but Yan Xiaopei saw his eyes shining.
A big man,can still do things so seriously, that side face, that back, that look, it’stoo handsome!
To be honest,Yang Yi is not handsome. At best, he’s a tough-looking man, and he doesn’t meetYan Xiaopei’s original aesthetic standards, but sometimes attractiveness canovercome by other things, right?
Yan Xiaopei’sinfatuated look gradually fell on Yang Yi’s strong muscles and Yang Yi’s strongbuttocks...
When the coffeewas served, Yan Xiaopei withdrawn her gaze. She behaved very freely and gracefullypicked up the cup, and gently took a sip.
In terms ofposture, Yan Xiaopei looks like she has been drinking coffee for many years, whileMo Fei, who is like a cow chewing peony, is more like from the countryside thanher...
However, YanXiaopei quickly frowned: "It’s a bit bitter."
"Stillbitter?" Yang Yi was surprised. How did the previous theory that womanneeds a spoonful and a half when drinking coffee not work with Yan Xiaopei?
"I needto add more sugar! I’ll do it myself!" Yan Xiaopei coquettishly said witha smile. She propped herself up on the bar and leaned out to reach the sugarjar.
Her action wasa bit big, and her body rubbed against Yang Yi’s arm a little, but this is notthe point!
The point isthat Yang Yi’s short-sleeved blouse was loose on her body, and when Yan Xiaopeicame over like this, her neckline collapsed. Yang Yi’s line of sightinadvertently swept past and happened to see the two dazzling white massesinside.
Yan Xiaopeididn’t seem to notice. She took the sugar jar, then leisurely took back her armand sat back.
"I liketo drink it sweet." Yan Xiaopei looked at Yang Yi and smiled.
Yang Yi was naturallyexpressionless. The scene just now, in fact, can’t make much waves in hisheart. Compared with the beauty that just came out from a bath, he has seenmuch more than this... The western beautiful woman in his past life is the best!
"Ithink I’ll add more sugar jars in the future and let the guests add themthemselves." On the contrary, Yang Yi was pondering about this matter.
Everyone hasa different taste. Yang Yi can’t ask others to drink the original taste of coffee,even though he likes it very much.
"Itseems that I have helped you!" Yan Xiaopei was as happy as a young girl.
But Yang Yiwas not very willing to continue. He lowered his head and wiped the cup, as ifthe cup can never be wiped completely clean.
Yan Xiaopeiwas a little depressed, but she took it as a man’s shyness. She changed hergaze and looked at the children.
Yan Yingkai’scar has begun to take shape. Xixi also put down her toys and looked at thelittle brother’s work curiously and carefully.
"I envythem for having such a carefree childhood." Yan Xiaopei suddenly sighedwith emotion.
Yang Yinodded silently, but he felt that he was satisfied with his new life: "infact, watching the children grow up happily is also a kind of happiness."
Yan Xiaopei infatuatedlylooked at Yang Yi again.
Finally, thenight fell and the continuous drizzle also stopped. Yang Yi didn’t make Yan Xiaopeimother and son stay for dinner. Instead, Yan Xiaopei wanted to invite Yang Yifather and daughter to the eat in the East Gate restaurant, but Yang Yirefused.
"Nexttime, can I come to you for coffee?" Yan Xiaopei took his son’s hand andasked shyly.
Yang Yilooked down at the little boy. He smiled and said, "Bring your son here.I’ll treat you to coffee."
Yang Yi had hisown meaning, but Yan Xiaopei didn’t get it. She felt satisfied with his answerand left with a smile on her face.
"Huh!"Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the other party leave.
Turningaround, he hurriedly closed the shop door, picked up the mop, and vigorouslywiped the floor that had been dirtied before. It was not really easy forsomeone with obsessive-compulsive disorder to endure for so long!
Xixi’s smallfigure also ran over to help her father, but her little shoes left smallshoeprints on the floor that had just been wiped. Yang Yi had to lift her upand carried her on his back.
"Holdon well. If you fall off, your butt will turn into eight petals!" Yang Yibluffed. (TN: No clue what "turn into eight petals" means. Maybe shatter intopieces?)
"Heehee, I don’t believe it!" Xixi hugged her father’s neck and her hair wasswinging, covering her fairy-like ears.
Read 𝓁at𝙚st chapters at ƒrē Only.
"Idon’t like that aunt just now."
"I justdon’t like her."
"Well,what about Big Brother Little Kai?"
"Big BrotherLittle Kai is amazing. He has made a big car!"
"Comparedto Papa, who is more amazing?"
"Papa is more amazing! Hee hee..."