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This chaptš’†r is updated by free(w)ebnovel(.)com

Chapter 164



Lino was currently dubiously staring at the creature before his eyes that he had summoned from the Dimensional Pouch . The creature was nearly five meters tall and Lino estimated it weighed at least a ton altogether . It had the head of a bird except larger, with two round, crimson eyes dancing effortlessly as they took in the surroundings .

On top of its head was a golden comb that appeared rather majestic, its neck spilling into a feathered cape dyed beautifully scarlet . At the creatureā€™s sides were a pair of beautiful wings, similarly dyed scarlet, spanning so far out they could blanket the sun and provide Lino with perfect shade . The creature had four clawed feet -- two at the front and the other two at the back -- that exuded a metallic sheen and three, feathered tails springing out its backside proudly and gracefully .

"H-hippogryph?" Lino mumbled as he recognized the creature . It was one of the subspecies of the Pegasus Lineage, a hippogryph . Except, from what Lino read, they shouldnā€™t be this big . . . and they certainly shouldnā€™t be as red as blood . . . and they most definitely should have neither the golden comb nor the three tails . Really, only the creatureā€™s head and wings somewhat resembled what he thought hippogryphs looked like .

"Caaw-caw!" the creature actually replied to him, nodding its head lightly as it continued looking around, occasionally fluttering its wings as though it was stretching after a long sleep .

" . . . what the heck?" Lino studied the hippogryph in detail yet, no matter what, at the end of the day it was still a hippogryph, despite the numerous . . . anomalies . "No wonder he didnā€™t want to part with it," Lino shook his head, smiling faintly . "Itā€™s a mutated species . Most-likely with extremely pure Bloodline . " in reality, however, the main reason Erkhaan didnā€™t want to part away from his pet was because he enjoyed sleeping against the latterā€™s feathered body . "Anyway, your nameā€™s Andy, right?" a cold glint suddenly flashed through the hippogryphā€™s eyes causing all of Linoā€™s hairs to stand up . You idiot!! Because you named him like heā€™s a harmless worm, now heā€™s taking it out on me!! "Khm, yeah, that stupid name doesnā€™t suit a magnificent bastard like you . "

"Caw caw!" the creature fervently nodded, that cold glint passing away similarly to all the feelings it had for its previous owner .

"How about . . . hmm . . . Crimson Nightmare?" Lino blurted out randomly .

"CAW CAW CAAAW!!" the creature rose up to its hind legs and bellowed out into the sky proudly . He seemed to like it .

"No, wait, thatā€™s way too long . Imagine if I had to keep calling you that in front of others? Geez, Iā€™d rather you just kill me now . Hmm . . . we gotta keep that crimson somehow . Letā€™s see . . . crimson . . . crimson . . . huh? Crim-son . . . crim . . . oh, right! How about I call you Grim?"

"CAW CAW CAAAAW!!" the creature replied in even greater fervor than before, suddenly barreling at Lino and hugging him with its wings, stroking its head against Linoā€™s chest while the latter stood frozen in place . I-itā€™s probably best I donā€™t tell him I was making a pun . . .

"Hah, good, good! From today onwards I baptize you as Grim!" Lino spoke through laughter as he stroked the creatureā€™s head .

"W-woof, woof! Woof!" a familiar bark interrupted the beautiful bonding scene, causing the warmth that Grim was exuding to turn frigid as he dangerously looked at the newcomer .

"C-caw? Caw caw caw!"

"Woof woof!"


"Woof woof!" Non nodded .

"Caw caw caw!!" Grim nodded fervently .

" . . . you . . . khm, I must have misheard . Ha ha, after all, thereā€™s no way I can actually understand what you guys are saying . Itā€™s all in my head . All in my head . Yeah, itā€™s all in my head . "

"Caw caw . "

"Woof woof . "

"No, shut the fuck up! Itā€™s all in my head!! Thereā€™s no way you two are blood-related!!"

"Woof woof woof!!"

"Caw caw caw!!" yet the two seemed rather certain that Lino definitely understood their conversation properly .

" . . . fuck everything . " Lino mumbled faintly as a strange image appeared inside his mind, scarring him for all eternity . It would be a while since heā€™d be comfortable with doing this and that again . At the same time he withdrew Grim back into the Pouch, also forcing Non into it .

As he had nothing else to do inside the Ancestral Grounds, Lino tailed back toward the entrance . His appearance, however, was more rugged than after he fought Erkhaan . He simply couldnā€™t shove out that image inside of his head . . . whatā€™s more . . . it began . . . moving . A furred creature . . . mounting . . .

"AAAGRRH!!!" he collapsed onto his knees as he held his head, tears nearly streaming out of his eyes . He remained so for nearly half an hour, even beginning to shake .

"E-eh?! Mr-Mr . Lino, are you okay?! What happened?! Did someone attack you?!" a familiar, melodic voice woke Lino from his stupor . He raised his head and looked sideways only to see Freya -- accompanied by several dozen others -- rushing at him, concern written on her face .

"A-ah . . . an . . . angel . . . " her concerned expression managed to erase that moving picture . He swore he would make a shrine for her once he had the time .

"E-eh? Mr . Lino . . . a-are you alright?" Freya asked as he crouched down, blushing madly as she heard Linoā€™s words .

"Ah, Iā€™m alright . Iā€™m great . " Lino replied, smiling widely as he suddenly patted her . "You . . . you are great . A blessing . Never change . "

"A-ah?!" unsure as to what to do, Freya merely stood frozen as she felt the warmth of Linoā€™s hand on her head .

"Right . What are you doing here?" Lino asked as he came back to his senses .

"E-eh? We . . . we heard a scream so ran over to see what happened . . . " Freya replied .

"Oh? I was that loud? Damn . . . " Lino said as he stood up, stroking his chin . "Maybe I should become a Commander if my voice can get so loud?"

" . . . "

" . . . " it was also then that the others approached and managed to hear the last of Linoā€™s mumbling, nearly tripping over nothing and falling down .

"Ah, whatever . Itā€™s too much work . Whatā€™s more, I donā€™t even know how to ride a horse . Those bastards are scary . " Lino said, dispelling his brief interest . "Are you headed out?"

" . . . y-yeah . " Freya replied meekly . No matter how hard she thought about things, ever since she met Lino she was unable to figure this strange beggar out .

"Great! Iā€™m also on my way out!" as though there wasnā€™t a couple of dozen pairs of eyes staring daggers at him, Lino put his arm around Freyaā€™s shoulder and guided her forward . "Eh, tell me, did one of the guys catch your fancy? Iā€™ve seen quite a few handsome studs in that lineup behind us! He he, you sure donā€™t hold back! Ah, but even if he must be handsome, you have to choose carefully, alright? Most guys are just wolves ready to pounce on poor sheep and mount---AARRRGH---oh, good, itā€™s gone . Whooh, almost self-destructed there . . . anyway, as I was saying, you better . . . "

All of those who followed behind quickly learned what it meant to have a Tongue of Gods . It had nothing with the complicated and hard-to-learn words, nothing with how eloquent one was in expressing themselves or how one can use words to trick their opponents . It all had to do with someone being able to talk utter nonsense for nearly three hours straight without as much as taking a single break . Jumping from a topic like beautiful surroundings to cow dung within a single sentence shouldnā€™t be possible -- nor allowed -- yet the beggar by Freyaā€™s side did it . . . more than once .

Freya was completely exhausted by the time they reached the exit; following Linoā€™s train of thoughts was simply impossible . She could at best pick up on a few questions and answer them to the best of her abilities, but from their conversation which lasted nearly three hours, she at most remembered a few seconds of it . It was just a constant stream of words after words, never-ending torrent of sentences and topics, an overwhelming wave of destruction . Mother . . . sticks and stones truly may break my bones . . . but today Iā€™ve learned words can end up outright killing your will to live . . .

The group departed from the Ancestral Grounds in a rather dubious atmosphere and immediately scattered when they reached the platform, afraid they might become the next target of that tongue . However, Lino didnā€™t pursue them; waiting by the spacial vortex was the same woman he made promise with and her eyes were currently looking at him with expectation, wonder and even a dash of intrigue .

After saying a few words to Freya, she sent her off with Elders . Within a few minutes, only the two of them remained standing on the platform .

"Did you have fun waiting?" Lino probed, grinning .

"You jest, Mr . Lino," Valkyria replied, smiling . "I was merely standing on an ocean of needles . "

" . . . "

"This isnā€™t the best place to converse . Why donā€™t we move into my chambers?" she spoke out as she waved her hand gently, opening similar -- albeit somewhat smaller and slower -- vortex .

" . . . " Lino merely smiled as he stepped through, feeling the space around him warp for a moment before the platform was replaced by a rather simple-looking room . There was nothing that spoke ā€™leader of a Clanā€™ around save for a single painting hanging over a bed, depicting a crimson-haired woman as she held onto a strange-looking book . It was only a moment later that Valkyria appeared next to him, her eyes also landing onto the painting .

"Sheā€™s our Mother," Valkyria spoke out with reverence and respect well beyond the little she showed to Lino . "Story has it that she had made a deal with a Devil to grant her the power to avenge her husband . After killing her husbandā€™s murderer, the Devil came to collect, and she killed him too . While Iā€™m certain the actual story is most-likely different, itā€™s quite humbling . "

"People selling their souls to avenge the loved ones . . . " Lino mumbled . "The tale as old as mankind itself . "

"Indeed," Valkyria nodded . "But, it isnā€™t only mankind who is averse to it . All races are . "

"I imagine . " Lino said, smiling lightly .

"Now . . . " Valkyria said, taking a deep breath . "Did you do it?"š—³rššŽšžwšžšš‹š—»š—¼vel.š—°oš¦

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