Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 150
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Chapter 150

Chapter 150

[Fire department public service video, for children, fire evacuation tips One Step!]

[What a fate?! The assistant director of One Step, Na-jins first fan!]

[The schedule change of the three terrestrial broadcasting stations! The reason is One Step!]

[KBC2 channel this Sunday at 7 p.m., public service advertisement, 8:40 p.m. One Step broadcast!]

-To be honest, I thought he would rest for a year after the Assemble 2 cookie video, but he filmed an advertisement. Its only a 10-minute video, but Im looking forward to it.

-Wow. Na-jins first fan was the one who won an award last year?

=Yeah. I saw the article and thought they would meet someday in Chungmuro But that someday was not a year. Fate is fate.

-Not only terrestrial, but also cable and general programming channels.

=Checking the timetable. I have to watch Seo Jun N times.

-Ill watch KBC first.

Sunday afternoon.

People who were waiting for Seo Juns advertisement gathered in front of the television.

Because it was for children, there were many parents who watched it with their kids.

Every parent must have thought about it at least once.

If an accident happened when only the kids were there, could they evacuate safely? Could the kids move calmly without panicking?

I hope they dont cry.

Many parents who sat in front of the television with their kids hoped that this public service advertisement would help their kids a little bit.

The advertisement hadnt even started yet, but people turned on the KBC2 channel early. Thanks to that, the viewership of the variety show that started at 5:40 p.m. today soared.

As time passed, exactly at 7:00:00 p.m.

The KBC staff who calculated to the second looked at the video that was being broadcasted nationwide with pride.

Na-jins face appeared as he discovered the smoke rising up.

[(Pre)The memory of fire of the Moss tribe is activated.]

The low-level ability flowed into the people who were watching the television.

The video seeped into their brains as if it was engraved.

Fear filled the faces of Na-jin and the kids in the video.

The three kids wetted tissues with water and covered their mouths with them.

The kids who did that stopped and a caption appeared below with a voice flowing out.

[To block toxic smoke, cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth or tissue. Then, quickly report to 119.]

People focused on the television at the serious faces of the kids.

There was only a faint background sound, but that made them focus more.

The three kids who covered their mouths bent their bodies and headed for the exit.

Na-jin shook his head in front of the closed exit and Kim Jukyung pointed to the emergency exit.

The dark eyes of the silent kids created tension.

When they were about to get immersed in the video with their eyes and tension, a faint voice was heard.

[Avoid smoke by bending your body and evacuate through the entrance or emergency exit. If there is an emergency bell on your way out, press it.]

The three kids who went down the stairs through the emergency exit looked tired, but their faces were full of hope that they could get out.

[Do not use elevators as you may get trapped, move by stairs.]

The backs of the kids going down the stairs were shown on the screen and then it turned black with a white caption.

[Evacuation is priority Fire department]

-Is this a disaster movie trailer? Im sweating lol

-Right? How can they make a public service advertisement like a movie trailer?

-lol I get excited when I see Seo Juns acting sporadically.

=222 Sorry to say this because its a public service advertisement, but narration interferencelol

=Not Seo Juns narration?

=Interference His voice is so good that it sticks to my ears, and it seems like it will interfere with my daily life!

=Change of attitude lol

-Is this full video coming out later?

8:40 p.m.

To watch the exciting full video of the public service advertisement, viewers headed to KBC2 channel.

The special broadcast of the fire departments public service video One Step started with three kids singing enthusiastically in a coin karaoke room.

People laughed at Seo Jun holding a microphone.

[(Pre)The memory of fire of the Moss tribe is activated.]

-Seo Jun sings well!

-The kids look so familiar lol

As they were singing, Na-jin smelled something strange.

The kids found smoke rising from the end of the hallway. Panicked Na-jin came to his senses and said.

Lets wet tissues and cover our mouths.

There are not enough tissues

We have to cover them anyway.

At Na-jins firm words, Kim Hanseok and Kim Jukyung nodded their heads. They divided the few tissues they had and wetted them with the water they bought.

Here, Hanseok. One more.

But sister

Sister is fine.

Kim Jukyung handed a tissue to Kim Hanseok, who was sobbing, and Na-jin silently gave his tissue to Kim Jukyung.

-The little kid is giving it to the smaller kid

-Its touching, but Im crying

The adults eyes reddened at the sight of the two kids caring for their younger sibling.

Meanwhile, people who saw the smoke outside the building reported it to 119.

The report that came to the 119 safety center was passed on to the nearest fire station.

[Were on our way!]

The firefighter, Lee Youngtae, who got on the fire truck, shouted loudly.

People thought they had just left the fire station, but they opened their mouths wide at the scenery behind the firefighters getting on the fire truck.

The place where the fire truck was not a fire station, but a residential alley.

The firefighter who was driving avoided the parked cars and clenched his teeth as he held the steering wheel.

His hands were so tense that his veins showed.


[Yes. It was a prank call.]

It was a prank call again.

Two fire trucks that went out for a real accident, one fire truck that went out for a prank call.

Unfortunately, the garage of the fire station closest to the coin karaoke building was empty.

The viewers realized the seriousness of the situation then.

This was not an ordinary evacuation video.

The kids had no phones in their hands, no adults to help them, and no fire trucks that they desperately needed.

It was the worst situation that should never happen.

There was tension in the 119 safety center at that news.

Everyone felt sorry for the callers trembling voice asking when they would arrive.

Where is the nearest fire station?!

It will take some time!

Are there people in the building?!

The caller said some people came out But there are many stores inside, so there may be customers left!

The arrival time of other fire station vehicles was announced.

The firefighter who was driving, Lee Youngtae, shouted.

[We will arrive around the same time as other fire station vehicles!]

Golden time.

The time that was really like gold was passing by quickly.

The firefighters felt frustrated as it seemed like there was more traffic today than usual.

They hoped there was no one in the building.


The siren sounded like someones cry.

It sounded like a fast heartbeat.

With the siren sound, the kids heading for the emergency exit were shown.


Na-jins trembling voice made Kim Hanseok and Kim Jukyung stand by his side.

In the smoky haze, the emergency exit that was their only hope was blocked. Trash and soda boxes from the coin karaoke, heavy-looking boxes.

-(Foul language!)

-Isnt it common sense to clear the emergency exit!?

-Why is it an emergency exit then!

The viewers were furious when they learned the truth of the emergency exit that they didnt see in the advertisement an hour ago.

Tears started to well up in the kids eyes. Kim Hanseok sniffled.

Can we move them?

At Kim Jukyungs words, Na-jin wiped his tears with his arm and tried to lift a box.

The two kids also helped Na-jin.

They put all their strength into it with a desperate heart, but the box didnt budge at all, as if something was inside.

It doesnt move


At Na-jins wet voice, tears dripped from Kim Hanseok and Kim Jukyungs eyes.


The viewers saw the ceiling breaking from the fire. Above the terrifying flames, the face of the firefighter who was driving was shown.

Lee Youngtae bit his lips so hard that they bled.

His expression was acting, but it wasnt.

He had experienced this kind of situation more than once or twice.

It was just his feelings at that time that came out.

The fire truck that couldnt move even an inch, above it, the kids who were coughing from the smoke were shown.

They held each others hands tightly with fearful faces.

Oh, someone.

Someone please save them.

That was when it happened.

The car in front of the fire truck moved.

It started to stick to the side as much as possible.

Following that cars movement, the cars on the road started to move one by one.

The road that was blocked like a wave started to open up.

Without having time to marvel at that sight, Lee Youngtae stepped on the accelerator.

He ignored the signals and lanes and drove as fast as possible!

No one stopped that fire truck.

Even though there were so many cars,

No one!

[Are you still far?]

[Were coming!]

The firefighter shouted.

It was a voice full of gratitude and joy for those who moved aside, almost ecstatic.

At the same time, Na-jins eyes that were full of fear changed.

It wasnt a reliable super hero or a heros face.

His trembling hands, tightly closed lips, and shaking eyebrows revealed Na-jins fear.

But the people who were watching television couldnt take their eyes off one place.

Na-jins black eyes.

Even in his fearful expression, he had a firm and solid black eyes that showed his determination.

Lets get out.

His eyes seemed to say that, and they inspired faith.

The faith that they could get out of here.

Even though they were trembling with fear, their faithful eyes made peoples hearts beat faster.


-Thank you so much everyone

-Thank you for not giving up too!

Before the fire truck arrived, the kids moved.

They hesitated for a moment at the sound of possible explosion, but they didnt give up.

The kids who went into room 3.

Na-jin climbed on the table and blocked the gap above the door with wet tissue balls.

Kim Jukyung held onto the table tightly that Na-jin stepped on.

Kim Hanseok who looked around took out several papers from the karaoke book.

If we stick this, theyll know were here, right?

At Kim Hanseoks words, Na-jin and Kim Jukyung opened their eyes wide and smiled brightly with their charred faces and raised their thumbs up.

Good job! Youre smart!

After blocking all the gaps above, Na-jin came down and blocked the gaps below.

Kim Jukyung and Kim Hanseok cut papers and made letters on the window made of tempered glass.

The wet paper stuck to the window as soon as they touched it.

Hey, hey! There!

The people who were anxiously standing outside the building found those letters. The police officers who were controlling them looked at the window with grim faces.


Below those letters, small kids figures were shown.

A faint voice came through the radio.

The firefighter on the other side of the radio didnt get excited.

If he got excited and got into an accident with a fire truck, nothing would be more serious than that.

But the viewers read his anxiety in his calm voice.

Only someone who had experienced this kind of thing countless times could express that voice.

[Youngtae. There are people in there.]

[They look like kids.]


His voice was saying to come a little faster.

The firefighter, Lee Youngtae, bit his lips.

He ignored the siren sound that seemed to make his heart jump, and stepped on the accelerator again.

The firefighter never got excited.

Please let me hug the young child before its too late Please give me the strength to save one life

The cars on the road that were split like a red sea seemed to push the fire truck behind.

Na-jin and the kids who had nothing left to do but wait moved away from the door and huddled together.

Kim Jukyung and Na-jin sat next to Kim Hanseok who was a year younger.

There were many people outside the window.

There was a police car too, but the fire truck hadnt arrived yet.

Because of the smoke, Na-jins face was charred and teary.

He suddenly opened his mouth.

Ah. I forgot to call everyone

The two children laughed at Na-jins words.

When we get out, Im going to ask mom to buy us something delicious.

Me too. What should we eat?

The childrens words were peaceful, but their hands that held each other tightly were trembling.

To forget their fear, the children chatted with each other.

The camera stayed with the children.

The viewers who didnt know the situation outside felt sorry for them.

-Where are the fire trucks? How far have they come?

-Why dont they show us the outside?

The viewers spent a minute that felt like 10 hours with the children, waiting for someone.

They felt as if they were trapped in room 3 like the children.

-Its frustrating not to know whats happening outside.

-So did the fire trucks arrive or not?

-This is a real indirect experience.


The door of room 3 shook.

The children who were talking stopped and looked at the door with tense faces.

Was it a movement caused by the fire, or was it the person they were waiting for?

The childrens hearts pounded with worry and relief.


The door shook again.

Jin-ah. Did you lock the door?


Then the children realized that this movement was not from the person they were waiting for.

It was probably from the ceiling collapsing and hitting the door.

-It wasnt them

-I thought it was the firefighters.

Before they could feel disappointed, the children were scared by the rattling door.

Knock knock-

Na-jin thought he heard something wrong.

Knock knock-

But he didnt.

Na-jin turned his head and looked at the window.

Behind the SOS paper, there was a person.

The childrens mouths opened wide.

-What is this lol

-?? Is this how they show up?

-lol Did they have trouble entering the building?

-Well, if they cant use the entrance, they have to come through the emergency exit, but they cant get in because of the stuff blocking it.

=This is not funny.

=Emergency exit!!!(A rabbit emoticon hitting the floor)

The firefighter waved his hand frantically.

Uh Does he want us to move away?

I think so.

The children moved away from the window, and Lee Young-tae smashed it with ease.

Without any delay, Lee Young-tae entered room 3. He was relieved to see that the children were in better shape than he expected, and carefully lifted them one by one onto the ladder truck. Another firefighter on the ladder truck helped Lee Young-tae.

The ladder truck carrying the children slowly descended to the ground.

With applause from the citizens, the children headed to the ambulance.

The paramedics put oxygen masks on the children lying on stretchers and checked for burns or injuries.

The children, who had relaxed their tension, felt a bit more real now and shed tears while smiling with relief.

The viewers also felt relieved by seeing them.

-They are amazing!

-Well done! Well done!

-This is scripted Why do I feel like Im watching live news?

=I agree. It feels like a documentary. My heart is pounding.

The firefighters entered the building to find other survivors. At the same time, fire suppression work began.

The firefighters who had gone into the building came back safely.

Fortunately, there was no one else in the building.

They looked tired, but they smiled at the news that there were no casualties.

Above their heads, a logo of the fire department appeared.

[We will save you with everyones step Fire Department]

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